Thursday, June 2, 2011

Male vs Female

Here I m not going to talk about the silly fights of girls and boys, instead here a more serious problem of life , survival and death. I found dozens of issues that are prevailing in India and hampering everybody directly or indirectly. When any issue oscillates between life and death then it get lots of public sympathy. One devastating issue that hasn’t got any public sympathy is female foeticide. Here I want to point out the brutality towards girls by Indians.
So according to the recent study, the pubic involved in this is mostly the educated and smart section of Indian society. Every day about 2000 girls are missing due to female foeticide. And the interesting part is we can’t blame poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, corruption which is otherwise responsible for crumbling of growth of India. Now the question arises why people do that, even worst why mothers are murdering their infants. Are girls that problematic that people can’t let them live??.
Two weeks ago I read one article , which says if first child is girl to Indian-American parents then they can’t let another girl to be born as their second child, If this can happen in the US , so the Indian scenario is may be worse than that. And closer home, the Punjab condition is familiar to everyone.
Now why this is happening and answer is in these three reasons according to Indian minds.
First , the boy child moves their generation "ahead" , and according to them if there is a girl then their generations will stop.
Secondly ,  after marriage the boy is going to stay with their parents and help them in their old age whereas the girl will have to move out of the house eventually.
Thirdly , the girl child is ' costlier ' than the boy child which includes marriage only.

Now if we observe all these three reason, these are nothing like a kid crying for crappy toy with which she/he is not going to play but only wants to cool down his/her refractory.
The first reason why it is so necessary to move generations ahead is that in India human life expectancy is 75-80 years after that we all going to die at any time. God is not going to ask you whether u have your generation on earth or not and everything is unpredictable.
Second reason –honestly second reason somehow we can consider but that doesn’t mean that you kill your female infant. Girls can also care their parents in their old age and if boys are so concerning, why are there so many old age homes.
Third reason is money. Now if I ask anybody in India who’s more 'costlier' , I bet everyone will say girl  but they forget to realize the reality , I request parents to just give it a thought and think about it , as the difference between the spendings on both sides is more or less the same . We need to stop this partiality and evolve and rise above materialistic gains or losses. These three reasons of savagery are dissolved.

I know it is not as simple as seems to be but humanity is above all. In the country where individuals worship goddess , these actions are shameful. If these smart, educated people are still unable to understand, then take a look at recent assembly election result of  West Bengal and Tamil Nadu. And we all know about king maker lady at the Centre, Speaker of Lok Sabha, President of India and  many more examples. So basically this not male vs female , this female vs. their parents.


  1. Nice article, I really appreciate your concern. Alongside, I'll a few things to you. The cost of growing up a guy is far more than bringing up a girl. A boy will eventually grow up & ask for a car, a house, a settlement in the work scenario & all of that costs much higher than the than the meager amount spent on the wedding by the girl's side & in any case dowry is still being eradicated at a fast pace (or so is the belief).

    I personally feel 2 reasons for whatever is happening :-
    1) In India, customs & traditions are way more important than any form of logic. Probably all our social evils originate from here, beat it be female foeticide or honor killing. Practically speaking no matter how much we be educated there are a few thing we never end up think about. For the sake of a simple example, half the country consumes Non-Vegetarian food all across the weak but somehow we are all the good god men when it comes to Tuesday. We all follow it, we all accept it, it has no logic to it & we still continue with it. So the problem starts with basically our mindsets.

    Secondly, whom do we called educated in this country? Going by the government standards, we any person who can read & write (his own name & basic stuff like that) is called literate. With the bar set so low, what do you expect the literate population of the country. We in India just don't focus on moral teachings & values, the result of the same is mentioned above.
    All I can say as closing comments is lets try & practice whatever we are preaching & whenever we come across a situation where we can make a difference, lets just think, say react & I am sure we'll make a huge difference.

  2. Firstly , I really appreciate Sumeet for bringing up this topic , as sexist as it may seem , a gal only brought up the topic of "Female Foeticide".The level of writing can be brought up but the intent behind the writing is appreciable !
    Moving on , I think , as Abhinav pointed out , the problem lies with our attitude(mindsets), we need to rise above materialistic gains and societal pressures , and also treat human life as a gift and not something which can be randomly disposed off at will.
    At the same time , we should look at the silver lining , as dim as it maybe, we have women at top posts in almost each and every sphere of life, but these are sporadic , if a nation has to succeed the development has to be more consistent.

  3. Personally i know how hard it can be and actually is to be without the fairer sex and abhinav(also an M.E.) knows m right . . .jokes apart its really an important topic which needs urgent and drastic measures due to declining sex-ratios.. . . . .and its commendable u brought it up. . .also as stated above its just the human perception which needs to be changed and make people treat children(to b born) as individuals and humans and not girls or boys. . . . its an integral part of functionality of human race and one should not be messing with darwin . ..

  4. thanxx for appreciating...this indeed an crucial topic which needs urgent and quick attention. And one positive thing is its not difficult abolish this kind of activities, the thing we just need to do is change the mind set towards girl child. as india has male domainant society,so it become more easy if they understood the importance of well being of every human and need of every human...
