Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In the past few days, I was a part of a few group discussions. One such discussion was based on the topic so India's achivement in so many years of Indipendence. There were probably 9 candidates who wend to detail the progress & achivements of India in so many years. Our achievments in Automobile to telecom, space research & food security the achievements were many. Some went along on a pesimistic note highlighting the rise of corruption, terrorism & the slow growth rate. Examples of almost all materialistic elements & growth aspects flowed in which simply kept me amazed & wondering. I came home to think about my country, my homeland & I dunno why none of the materialistic aspects of growth featured in my thoughts to the same. Probably because of a simple thought that civilization began in India, power was then trasvered to the romans & perhaps they were called "more civilized". What followed was the adventure sports of a few criminals to discover the "land of oppertunity"; today reffered to as the superpower of the world. What came in between to show in-essence a spark of power of strength was the middle europian nations with a will to conquer the world but then the fizzed away like nothin more than a Diwali cracker. We today have another developing BRICK country who aims high for that position. That just means to me that power like money shall keep travelling across the world. Atlast what they say,

 "कनक खनक ते सो गुनी , मधिकता  एक खाए बहौरात , एक पाए बहुराए " So money and power shall travel across the world.

Coming back to what I was intending to write this article on. My idea of India's achivement in the past 64 years. Well with the ongoing Lokpal issue the first come point that came to my mind : No its not corruption by democracy.

1. Democracy: India being the largest democracy in world, it is an achivement to have a country of 1.2 billions people thiriving towards progress with each one being heard. Yes, there is a voice of the majority & yeas every minor section of the society is being heard by it. I truly believe it is the greatest form of achivement to progress with a population of a billion on board. The respect for individuality that we hold (yes, I saw this even after people abusing & hitting each other in the state assembly), we have a millions opinions to every policy / matter of discussion & each is heard & respected. Perhaps, India is a part of the very very few nations in the world where a common man can stand up & shake the corridors of power. The fact that the entire goverment machinery had bow down on a number of occasions including the Jessica Lal case, is a clear :win of the people, of the sub-continent.

2. Secularism: Scores of people keep telling me that it we would have been so much better as a Hindu state & not being a secular one. I just wonder what gives us or anyone a right to decide that. There maybe a scores or maybe hundreds of religions in the world but then India is the sole country to have given birth to 2 religions in this world. I take pride in that fact that my homeland gave to the world three of the defining religions like Hunduism & Sikhism. Almost from the very begining of religious practices in the country, Hinduism & Islam have co-existed. The question that lies infront is "Who'se land is it, anyways?
What gives me a sense of achivement is the fact that no matter what happens on the macro-political level, deep in the streets of India we still have people who believe in humanity as their religion & are people above the same. Its immaterial of the comments that come out of our sub-councious the moment the moment we hear about a terrorist activity but then our kids, practicing any religion go to the same schools, learn from the same teachers & in more cases than one have the hots for the same girls. We are treated by the same doctors, protected by the same police & army, play the same sports, drink the same soft drink. Yes, this country is united & united with friendship above religion. This is our country & our religions are just a purely personal subject of belief. From the riots of 1947 & the ones that followed untill the mishaps of 2002 Gujrat we have developed into a peace loving nation, united in the face of the world. This my fellow Indians is one of the greatest achivements of all times.

3. Versitile & Multi-Cultrual Co-Existance: From the Burka's & Saree's of an age, here is another which promises jeans & even mini's. The east meets the west, the old meets the new, while concepts of live-in's are adapted the ideas of sati have been bid adieu. The modern Indian man dresses to the occasion. You don't find sarees on the beach & mini's on a funeral. While we are young & happening we still have deep rooted cultrual value systems in place. While in essence the basic thoughts are the same the mediums have changed. The change between old & new is perhaps the most dramatic in this country but the outcome has been largely the best globally. We move from the era of a black & white television every locality to an android every pocket; the transition is largely happening with all generations aboard. Probably the most string part is when this generation of our reaches the IIT's & brings out grandmother's styles for treatment of common cold or a stomach ache in the hostels, you do realize why India is so special. The mental horizons are broadening, we are rising above the social evils yet the teaching of all are carried forward. Thats my idea of a progressive looking ethical & well civilized country.

There are more & the list remains endless. India has achived a lot perhaps a lot more than any country across the globe but then these my friends are not achievements that can be measured on a scale of 1 to 100. You need a soul & a heart much to great to understand these things. This is just my basic outline to the land I belong rest is democracy............

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Modernization vs. Westernization

Usually when we talk about traditional wushu's relevance to modern times, we concentrate on the question "how can it help us to improve ourselves and our society?" Of course, those of us who love the art easily have a lot to say about that. All we have to do is examine our own experiences. Though details vary from person to person, basically our stories would hit on the same points: It's a great exercise for health and fitness. It builds strength of character and promotes inner growth. It challenges us to awaken and develop those parts of ourselves in which creative abilities and expanded thought exist. The outcome to our acceptance of this challenge is the next chapter in every person's story.
As an ethnic art, it provides practitioners a living experience of Eastern philosophy and wisdom. And let's not forget the obvious: it teaches advanced techniques which can be used for high-level combat. Performed correctly, the movements have a power, flow, and depth that is beautiful to watch and fulfilling to perform. One could accurately say that traditional wushu massages the entire person: body (inside and out), mind, and spirit.
To an outsider, this must seem too good to be true. But, this isn't the whole story. Practitioners must have the guidance of a true master who transmits the techniques of a pure lineage. For their own part, they must log in many hours of hard work, be willing to face their own errors and limitations, and carry on in the midst of discomfort and uncertainty. They must endure physical, emotional, and mental pain, persevere through frustrations, and struggle with long, boring hours of stance training, basics, and repetitive practice. They must discard many old habits and learn to think, move, act, and react in ways that go against their natural, customary way of doing things.
Traditional wushu is very old, as is the culture in which it was born. It is the culmination of centuries of wisdom, experience, testing, and medical knowledge. In contrast, our lives move at a machine-gun pace, with too many things to do, too much information to contend with, and too many changes which have come too quickly. Today's technical innovation makes yesterday's invention obsolete. And events half way around our shrunken globe can affect us with almost the same intensity as if they happened down the block. In this context, a discipline with roots in a strong culture that spans many centuries can be a lifeline of stability, grounding, and peace.
But being old doesn't automatically make something better in every way. With the passing of each generation, all areas of life--traditions, arts, religions, science, fashion, etc.--are automatically reevaluated in the light of the current situation and tastes. In addition, no matter how ancient, traditional wushu is a living art. Quite naturally it must continue to evolve and grow. In other words, it must be modernized or it will lose its vitality and die.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Whose land is it Anyways - II

The verdict is out - Land at Shah Beri, Patwari & Dewla Villages acquired by the GNIDA will now be returned to the farmers as the Supreme Court & the Allahabad High Court as declared the land acquisition as ill-legal. Celebrations are on through the country & the verdict is taken as the victory of the farmers over the industrialists / U.P government. Piles of new cases relating to land acquisition in the Greater Noida area are in various courts of India. Farmers are waking up to realize their rights & to fight for them. Its a renascence in terms to Human Right, Farmers Right has now begun.

Well this is something we all know & its just not what I'll waste an article on. The win-win picture is viewed by all, the reality is quite a bit different.

Almost 159 +589 Hectares to land has to be given back to the farmers. Most of this land has been dug 15-25 Feet deep. There is construction remains all over the area. The land is nowhere close to being cultivable & with our well known Government machinery, it shall take 5years if not more in order to get that farm in some kind of cultivable state. As a result, the land is of no use to the farmers until they actually wish to build multistory towers on it. Well practically even that isn't possible as the Honorable courts of India have made it clear that this Farm land cannot be used for residential purposes. So that barren land is nothing more than precious waste to our dear farmers.

Side two to the story also tells us about people who had invested money in the projects to be developed on this land in the Hope to get a dwelling unit for themselves. Almost 1lack people have invested nearly 200 Crores in the area. Their story is of shear bad luck & injustice because the one political parts & the honorable courts of India now have a Pro-Farmer justice. In the wake of realizing the pain of the farmers, their pain is a forgotten stance.

The Supreme Court has directed the builders who were supposed to be building projects on this land to return all the money with Bank Rate of Interest (Which is 4%) to the investors. Now that I am an engineer, let’s go into the complete details of this interest rate returns. Most of these investors have taken a loan to pay up for these properties. The rate of interest of these loans is however close to 10-14% per anum leaving the investors with a simple loss of 6-10%. Also, since most of these investors are end users who actually wanted apartments to safety in, there is a loss op opportunity for them. Basically, the property price in the region has gone up by almost 30-50% in the region. So now the dream house is just a bit out of reach. People even the inflation is in double digit now. Well this win-win situation is now speaking of some losses.

Lets look further.
Noida extention is an important link between Noida & Greater Noida. With Noida Extension remaining undeveloped & farm land, there is a definite security issues in that area. Development will stall in the entire area including Greater Noida due to the missing linkage of Noida Extention. This is likely gonna act as deterrent for price increase for the Greater Noida area. Also, it poses a security threat to the Greater Noida residents who have to cross over to Noida & Delhi on a daily basis. The picture again doesn't seem quite a win-win for the Greater Noida residents as well.
Also, Delhi as a metropolitan has two basic extensions in the NCR. The Noida, Noida Extention & Greater Noida side in one direction & the Gurgaon, New Gurgaon, Mansear side. With an almost collapse on one side with fear & negative investor sentiments, the other side is likely to experience heavy price rise as demand shall increase at a tremendous pace. This again makes the "Dream Home" for the end user a little more dearer. Not the best of pictures we would like to point. Is this a win-win situation?
Coming to the Real Estate Companies now, these losses of projects & waste of money already spent in construction costs act as a deterrent in the investor interests of these companies. This makes a negative investor sentiment on the equity markets which is a loss for millions of Shareholders who have invested in the reality stocks in the capital markets. Also, the global sentiments towards India get shaken up. That acts as huge deterrent for the foreign direct investment in to the country. A huge loss for all in the capital markets.
Again, doesn't seam to be a win-win situation yet again.




Thursday, July 14, 2011


Yes there have been times, when i've been alone and lonely,
She's been my only friend
and times when i've felt unheard and unwanted
She's always lent me her ear
and all those times when i've known i have lost it all to mistrust
I've also known that i can believe in her,
times of loss or happiness,
I've always needed her
Yes i am a weak man,
but she is a worthy weakness
Many a drink i've sipped with her,
She's always gotten me sober,
and my times of grief and misery
have always been soaked by her,
Sometimes i like to be with her for no reason at all
She understands there are times i've left her
but i always come back
She never complains
even when it seems that i may never return
She waits patiently
Sometimes i share her with my friends
but she is happiest with me
though she's never told me in so many words
I know she feels the same
my thoughts are only complete with her by my side
her slow gentle poisonous advances
always allure my mind
but never distract
just force concentration
I use her ,  i know
but i am a weak man and she a worthy weakness
in an ode to her,
i thank her for all and more
and blow away her ashen remains,
Only until i pick on her and light her again
and watch her, help her burn,
only to light up my inconsequential existence,
I kiss her then,
and blow her remains in the air with a soft whistle,
then i step on her when she no longer gives me satisfaction,
and walk away ,

never caring where she ends up,
a heartless weak man, with a worthy weakness...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Insurgency on "The Civil Front"

RUNNING a nation's civilian affairs is no mean task, given the challenges of administration in a situation marked by extreme poverty and social conflict. So, it is hard to imagine why lakhs of youth in the 21-30 age group aspire for a job in the civil services.

Every year, no less than three lakh graduates apply for the Civil Service Examinations (CSE) conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. On an average, about two lakh candidates appear for the preliminary examinations, which is the screening round in the multi-step process covering an entire year. Only a few hundreds ultimately qualify to appear for the next step, the main examinations and the interview.

But this does not deter the aspirants since the benefits of success far outweigh the struggle to enter the civil services. Although the candidates recruited to the various services - the Indian Administrative Service, the Indian Foreign Service, the Indian Police Service, and departments such as the Railways, Revenue, Postal and Forest - get a modest salary, what drives them to succeed in the examinations is the executive power that the job offers, not to mention the security of a plum Central Government job.

Civil servants enjoy enormous clout over people, and (are part of) decision-making in the corridors of power. The number of applicants for the Civil Services Examination has been increasing year after year. This is in spite of the lure of software engineering and Information Technology.

The first challenge for the aspirants has always been preparing for the tough examinations. This has been made easy by the innumerable IAS coaching centres that offer professional guidance. Gone are the days when a student preparing for the CSE would shut himself up in his study for months, with only books and, perhaps, journals promising competition success for company.

Specialized institutes now conduct classes and provide personality development modules. And more and more candidates are signing up for the courses, seeking help that cannot be provided by local tutors.

A factor reassuring for the aspirants, is that the actual UPSC competition is limited to a few thousands, and not lakhs, of aspirants, as most of them are not serious about the examination. Also, there is no discrimination between candidates who answer in Hindi or English or other regional languages.

In the previous decades, most of the aspirants used to be graduates or post-graduates in the arts or the humanities. This trend is changing: several graduates from engineering, medicine, business management and chartered accountancy streams, aspire for the IAS nowadays.

This is in keeping with the demands of a liberalised economy. The nature of job in the civil services is changing in keeping with the changing times. Corporate culture is being injected into the bureaucracy. The work culture is changing with the public becoming more and more result-conscious and demanding. All this calls for a drastic change in the mindset of young persons. Very soon, a civil servant will look more for the challenge and satisfaction of serving the nation than just power and prestige.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

True Story of a Friend

Around the corner i have a friend 
in this great city that has no end ,
Yes the days go by and weeks rush in,
and before i know it a year is gone...
I never see my old friends face
for life is a swift and terrible race,
She knows i like her as well
as in the past days when i rang her bell
and she rang mine,
But we were younger then
and know we are busy tired men,
Tired of playing a foolish game
tired of making a name,
I say tomorrow i will call u friend
just to show her i am thinking of her,
but tommorow comes and goes and
distance between us grows...
Around the corner yet miles away
here's a telegram, Sir "your friend died today"
and thats what we deserve and get in the end
around a corner a vanished friend...
Remember to say what you have to , to the people whom you
love and care, i just wana say even if i am bad
always be my friend but its your wish in the end...