Friday, June 3, 2011

Is Corruption Really that Bad?

With the recent revelations of the millions of rupees worth scandals and ministers being involved in corruption, there has been unrest and some of us have found the perfect opportunity to lambaste corruption and those involved.Among all the media hype Yog guru Baba Ramdev has launched a crusade against corruption.Well the topic has since long been the thorn in government's flesh. For those who don't know "jan lokapal bill" was first proposed way back in 1969 and subsequent Lokpal bills were introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and 2008 but all failed to pass.And this bill was again used by Anna Hazare to gain some sympathy and above all publicity, which obviously builds political support.

But that's not the topic. Humankind in fact all living forms on this earth have always been struggling for survival. You must all be aware of Charles Darwin's theory "Survival of the fittest".It's still applicable everywhere.Despite all adversities the life on this earth has always prospered this way or that. Humankind stands out from the rest because to some extent they have learnt how to mold things for their own pleasure. Believe it or not every human invention is just a result of human emotions predominantly the need of comfort. To survive in this world the functioning of our body is enough. Rest all is just to please the senses examples spices, technology etc. Humans interacted and they formed large colonies, but emotions come into play, things happen and rest you all know.

Coming back to corruption, i don't think it is wrong. For to say corruption is wrong would be to say "Feeling your emotions is wrong".Well these emotions only make one's life beautiful and interesting. how can one forget the thrill of breaking rules and later on feeling remorse for doing the same.Just imagine an ideal society devoid of emotions and working for the so called progress of humankind, reminds me of "Equilibrium" by Kurt Wimmer.

Human decision making is largely effected by emotions. Intelligence only delays the outcome.

A corrupt person is nothing else but a normal human under the grip of emotions. That applies to every person in this world however, the emotional upheaval resulting in a person being corrupt might vary.Most of the times it's greed and jealousy though.

For me life's an enigma,a beautiful gift, you make choices to face respective consequences,it's all your choice.It doesn't matter who's corrupt and to what extent. The irony is "ALL THAT MATTERS IS DECIDED BY YOU".You decide what is important. To fulfill One's desire,universe gives them two paths, an easy one and a difficult one, and the choice is obvious.And it's all about survival, adopt any path as long as long as you live long enough to tell your tale.


  1. Before I begin to advocate my point which would not necessarily conform with your views , let me just say that these two lines are EPIC!

    "Human decision making is largely effected by emotions. Intelligence only delays the outcome."

    Moving on , I do agree with you that human emotions can't be just ignored and they will come in the picture eventually , but the problem with 'emotions' and 'choices' is that they are relative and a choice made by you maybe great for you but bizarre for me , so as long as your emotions/choices concern you and only you , you can go ahead and smoke weed , but once it affects the people at large , you will have to sadly conform to certain set standards , which say in this case is that Corruption is cheating , it just robs people of their money , at the same time it 'corrupts' the moral fabric in general .
    Let me give you an example , if tomorrow somebody says that he gets kicks out of chopping off people's heads' off , will you advocate that his emotions be allowed to exist or put him in jail and call him a 'psycho' ?. Think about it.

    Just for the sake of healthy discussion , nothing personal.

    Brilliant first attempt , Karanveer.
    Keep Writing!

  2. i'll respond to this article a little later, as of now i can't help myself in mentioning that Mr. PM(harman) is back .. .. .and in full form after the exams finally finished and is just ready to take on anything that comes in his way!

  3. well i'm not favouring a particular person.When the pyscho let's his emotions loose, Won't your emotions come into play?
    All i have said is this life has many parts and parcel.Only accusing others of being "more corrupt" won't help.
    Corruption robs people of their money or Is it we only who let go of it easily?

  4. now as far as the post, karanveer you've definitely lived up to your blog name " The Mercenary" .. . . . . .and yes i agree evry bit of human decision is largely governed by our emotions and the wrong decisions are due to wrong emotions of greed and jealousy and lust etc but as harman said we need to keep in mind the interest of larger section of society than being selfish ourselves .. . . . evrybody cherishes the thought of breaking the laws but then there is always a limit to it, given a fact we are humans the so called "advanced race". And as far as the obvious choice is concerned, glory achieved through easier one is short lived and the tale told is rather an example for others not to do the same to avoid shame and disrespect which again are human emotions that can't be ignored!!!!!!

  5. O.K dude just to sum up things from your end taking Harman's point - All humans actions are governed by emotions, greed, jealousy & revenge are also human emotions, murders arising from due to these are just feeling of emotions, feeling of emotions is not wrong. Just in that case could you please explain me why the f**k do we have a judiciary? Why do we have the police & other forces? What do we mean by Civil Society.
    Its simple, no matter what you feel & what you think, the fact is that the money these chaps siphon away is the taxpayer money. They have no rights over it. The positions of power that they use is the power of the common man, he has to be the key beneficiary. That is what civil society is all about & as regard to feeling of emotions - Please try this at home.

  6. Btw. Guys just to announce, I am back.

  7. Yeah and this experiment didn't last long

  8. Yeah and this experiment didn't last long

  9. If anyone is still active. I would like to start a new discussion

  10. If anyone is still active. I would like to start a new discussion
