Wednesday, June 1, 2011


There was something different in the air that day. . . .something that i am unaccustomed to if i may say .. . .. variant from monotonous schedule of teaching and learning.. . . it was peculiar feeling of sorts being in a place full of people having such different perspective about life.. . .although physically tired there was a zest of sorts which just kept pushing u to go for more . . .similar to an adrenaline rush but in a controlled and continuous sort . .. . and then suddenly out of nowhere there SHE was. . . .I'm sure u all had your moments when u see someone and your heart skips a beat, you are breathless and no matter how hard you try you cannot think of anything but look .. . .look at the person in front of u as if it's just meant to be. . . . the background goes blank for a split second and your universe defies all laws of physics and shrinks to just one person . .. that was my moment. A moment which will remain unspoilt, unfaded with me forever. . .. as i m writing these lines her face is front of me : as beautiful as anything you've seen, as fresh as the morning dew ,as pure as the shores of eden. . . .i could on and on about it the whole day, everyday of my life. . . .but truly there was something about her - the way she spoke, words tearing apart the air and reaching you telling you to just listen to them and nothing else, the way she laughed, most innocent laugh like that of carefree children having fun. I was spell bounded by that angel , so much so that these words by Napoleon explain it best

“As for me, to love her alone, to make her happy, to do nothing which would contradict her wishes, this was my destiny and the meaning of my life”.

But then as exhilarating as these encounters are , they are just ...."short-lived happy moments of your life" which are to be kept with yourself(or to be made into a partially disclosed blog) and cherished forever with a small but firm hope somewhere in your sub-conscious that sometime, someday somewhere you'll meet your "one" for whom all that you have always dreamt of doing will actually be done. All dreams will be
turned into reality just to see that precious smile on her face. all the laws defied and all rules broken just to keep her safe and the hope that the "one" you are waiting for ,the one for who will mean more to you than your own self might just be HER :) and by leaving everything to DESTINY your world comes back to normal as if nothing ever happened . . . . . .. but its you who knows what did and DESTINY that knows what will ;)



  1. Dude!I can totally get your feelings!.
    So beautifully put , a welcome start.
    Keep Writing !

  2. I wonder somebody wrote to me about raising the bar. Magnificent to say the least. Keep writing, keep blogging & keep debating. All the best dude!!!

  3. Simple yet so impressive.Practical yet a fantasy. Its the destiny which u have to befriend..!!

  4. yea harman u of know it the best :) .. .. . . @abhinav- thankx it was the raised bar only which made me rather inspired me to give it a try . .@ japnap <3
