Monday, May 30, 2011

War On Terrorism...huh, "Terrorism for War"

When President Bush called Americans to enlist in his "war on terror," veryfew citizens could have grasped the all-encompassing consequences of the proposition. The terrifying events of 9/11 were like a blinding flash,benumbing the country with a sudden knowledge of unimagined dangers. Strong action was recommended, skeptics were silenced and a shallow sense of unity emerged from the shared vulnerabilities. Nearly three years later, the enormity of Bush's summons to open-ended "war" is more obvious. It
overwhelmed the country, in fact deranged society's normal processes and purposes with a brilliantly seductive political message: Terror pre-empts everything else.

What this President effectively accomplished was to restart the cold war,albeit under a new rubric. The justifying facts are different and smaller,but the ideological dynamics are remarkably similar--a total commitment of the nation's energies to confront a vast, unseen and malignant adversary.

The "War on Terrorism" has just begun. All a commoner can do is stay tuned for solitary solutions.


  1. Some heavy words in there. Great vocab use ,Roy!. And loved the caption too.Good Work!
    Keep Writing!

  2. I do give in to your ideas yet on another thought we all agree & accept the challenges put forward by terrorism. It is simply that element of this civilization that can cripple its existence any moment. The 9/11 tragedy was not only about the U.S, but people all across the world were trapped in fear, in terror. What followed was a number "invasions" & unprecedented steps taken by the United States (which in some cases were even demeaning humanity) that we today know as "The War against Terror". I understand that these steps were harsh & maybe as you say aimed at other interests of the united stated but they have an underlining fact attached to it. Its been a decade since the Black Tuesday & we haven't heard of a single other terrorist activity in the country. On the contrary, lets assume India - We've been the most peaceful nation & a true Gandhian Nation. What rewards did it produce to us, the list of bombing & terror attacks begins right for the day that we claimed our independence & is being magnified every single day. What then have attained?
    I still believe in this quote which reads as "Freedom is there where the mind is without fear". By being one of the most peaceful nations of the world what we just attained was a few of the following :
    1) 80% of the female populations of the country not being allowed to leave the house after 7 for the fear of being raped.
    2) Scores or in fact 100's of people walking past a street fight for the fear of being involved & killed in it.
    3) One of the most beautiful parts of the country - the Kashmir valley being alienated.
    When I look upon these things the one question that arises in my mind is "Are we really free?"
    When the U.S is taking these drastic measures the real reward is the fact that almost every American citizen wakes up to a new day, a new hope & not a to a new fear of yet another form of terror.

    As far as the energy benefits of the country a concerned, you always get paid for stuff like these, common there is no Army officer who fights just for his country without a major kickback in his account, same is the case with the U.S or at least this is the light I wish to look at it as. Just another prospective.
