Thursday, May 26, 2011


All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Life is busy,complex and exciting , a conundrum to say the least. And each day as we face situations grueling , complex or simple , these act as stimulus to our mind. And we do think and form 'perceptions' once that stimuli is there , here I ask you to to ' Say ' and to ' React ' after the thinking is done.

Initially we have Abhinav , Jagjit , Karman , Sumeet , Kanwal, Karanveer, Anshul , Somorin , Jasjot and myself as the Authors of the blog. Anyone else interested in putting up a post here , can email at , provided they are from CEC. Write down your thoughts about anything or everything , once or every time you deem it necessary , it could be on politics , sports or a review of a movie or a new gadget you bought or random ramblings and Let the Shakespeare in you wreck havoc here!
(And don't forget to mention your Name , Branch , Year , etc.)

In the words of Lao Tzu "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” ...

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