Saturday, May 28, 2011

STILL WAITING...............

Am waiting, still waiting for you to turn
To start the friendly talks once again
For the good old days to return
You’ve seen all the tears
you’ve heard all my cries
You’ve even witnessed all of my heartburn
Are there any thoughts still stopping you?
Still Causing you to run…
There was a time, when you were a stranger
and i was noone to you
But wasn’t that past, and Isn’t this today?
Then why willing to let that premise still hold true?
You say you fear the near future
You dont want to face it, You don’t want it to come
You say you fear the departure
But have you wondered about the outcome?
We make the choice, whether to live or to survive merely
What is Living, nothing but creating memories only
What memories would you like to recall when we wont be together
Of a blossoming friendship or Of a friend who was made to feel lonely?
We meet to depart and then to meet again
Thats the part and parcel of life
Wouldnt life be so boring
Had everything been rich and rife?
There was a time when we used to chat
When we used to sit for hours together
You say, that the times have changed
But shouldn’t WE be the ones, changing it for better?
Why are we still struggling with it
Is it really that hard to understand?
Some thought, some intention and some willingness
Is all that I humbly request …