Friday, May 27, 2011



Millions of Faces, And even more Thoughts
Each with a purpose, a motive of sorts
Central Idea is to be Happy only
To lead a Life, Not in any way lonely
Happiness is something hard to explain
They say, Certainly something hard to attain
Different people, Different views
Each one with their own proven cues
Happiness for some is in meeting new people
For some it is merely earning more income
Some say they find the world really cruel
Well i say, Try changing the rule
Happiness is having the ability to reason
To be able to talk with close ones every season
To remain calm and not to hurry
In avoiding the arguments which are unnecessary
Happiness is having the ability to read
The poems, the write ups, whatever your heart pleads
To observe the beautiful words, poets use with ease
Every stanza when seems to just flow with the breeze
Happiness is having the ability to write
To be able to appreciate when i like the sight
Sometimes even to harshly criticize
If in the long run, it helps someone get the perspectives right
Happiness is having a long conversation
No inhibitions, No Reservations
To try being in touch, To utilize every possible chance
Like the feeling of calmness or perhaps a state of Trance
Happiness is learning new things around
Trying something new and not feeling bound
To realize the potential, the endless possibilities
Having the sense of seeing beyond frivolities
Happiness is getting to know a friend more
Deepening the bonds of the friendship to the core
To encourage him when he is right, and to Correct when wrong
In having a conversation, which seems lifelong
Are these things really that hard to see
Not that hard to fathom, Don’t you agree?
Just take a few steps, not even a yard
And never say again, ‘Being happy is Hard’

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